Saturday, November 1, 2008

In a stamping funk? Italianarteest to the rescue!

Today, a dear friend called me for help. She hasn't been stamping or scrapbooking and needed help to get back on the stamping wagon again. IF you fall off of a horse they say you have to get back on. It is a known fact that once you learn how to ride a bicycle, you will never forget how to ride one even if you haven't ridden one in decades...So, my advice to those of you have had to put your creativity on the back burner due to personal issues or just a busy life pick up that stamp and open that ink pad and HAVE AT IT! Get back to your stamp table...start will come back to you...maybe in baby steps, but just get your stamps wet with ink and the magic will happen!

Sometimes when I am not in the mood to create I just stamp out some images and just sit with my colored pencils and just color the images...then when I see these colored images just sitting there I find myself cutting cardstock and patterned paper and magically the gluestick makes it into my hands and I blink and the image has now become a card.

Well, my friend wanted to make Holiday Cards and I wasn't really in a Holiday mood...the weather is still warm here in Florida, so it is hard to get in the "mood". BUT, today wasn't about me, it was about getting my friend back into stamping. So I made 3 card samples for her, we embossed, we layered, we embellished...I tried a little of this and a little of that, just to get her touching her supplies again. I didn't attach any of the layers and panels because I wanted her to CASE them and she promised she would make at least 2 more of each of them. Of course, duh, I didn't take any pics of what we did, but when I left my friend had all of her supplies all over her kitchen counter and at her dining room table. Hopefully I will receive one of the cards that she made...hmm, I think I am on her Christmas mailing list.

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